Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Le Cover...

Arrived home to find this in my e-mailbox. I have to downgrade the resolution to post it here (the lights from above look much nicer ar higher res), but we have a title, we have a cover, soon we will even have page proofs.

Are you suitably shocked? Awed? (Or maybe at least Anded?)


Rufi said...

It looks goddamn great, David. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Great cover. Curious title, having read a draft of the book. Those English!

Charles Lambert said...

It's good to see your name so large. One day it'll be even larger than the title, and you'll know you've made it...

Ninjauthor said...

Hi David

It looks like a blockbuster! I confess, I already saw a version of this on the Amazon UK site (I thought then the cover was striking). "Shock and Awe" definitely stand out - and are suitably enormous!!

As for the proofs - my knees went all wobbly when I first saw my ISBN number in the proofs Macmillan sent out. Seeing the publication date and other legal mumbo-jumbo attributed to your book gives reality a good pinch: it tells you forcibly “you’re gonna get published…”

Let the mayhem begin!

David Isaak said...

"It's good to see your name so large. One day it'll be even larger than the title, and you'll know you've made it..."

Heck, I'm just amazed to see it spelled correctly!

David Isaak said...

"As for the proofs - my knees went all wobbly when I first saw my ISBN number in the proofs Macmillan sent out."

So the proofs have all those goodies attached? Cool!

A friend tells me the reality really sinks in for the first time once you have to pay taxes...

Anonymous said...

S'cool. Am certainly feeling awed. Not shocked, though.


Faye L. Booth said...

Hi David

(It is me, I just can't be arsed logging into Blogger 'cos it logs me off Gmail simultaneously.)

Looks great! Large lettering like the big name thriller authors; not bad!


Faye L. Booth said...

Oooook...I am logged in. How did I do that?

Roger Morris said...

I'm late to the party but I love it. Very powerful. A blockbuster if I ever saw one. Happy with the new title?

David Isaak said...

I dunno, Roger. I guess I could best describe myself as happy enough with the new title, but not subconsciously adjusted to it yet. It still, well, shocks me when I see it there.