Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grumpy Old Bookman Reviews Me

Or rather he reviews Shock and Awe. Not that any of us writers would take reviews of our books personally, right? We've got good distance between ourselves and our books, don't we?

Grumpy's original article on Macmillan New Writing --one of the most-cited articles in the history of the blogosphere (naturally excluding anything about Princess Di or Britney Spears)--was a critical factor in deciding me to submit my manuscript to the imprint in the first place, so I'm jazzed that he understands my disillusioned book. Getting Michael Allen to describe my book as "deeply cynical" is a bit like getting the Pope to describe me as "deeply Catholic." At the moment I'm a pretty happy fella.


Eliza Graham said...

I saw that review, David! Congratulations--he gets so many books to review that's a real feather in your cap that he liked yours.

Tim Stretton said...

He's a hard man to impress, David. Well done! (He liked The Herring Seller's Apprentice too, so he's got taste to go with the grumpiness).

Brian McGilloway said...

Congratulations David - well deserved words indeed!
